This series is based on the malleability and flexibility of a body.

We all live within a form that responds to our ways of life, and the places that shape us. As an athlete one tends to be very aware of changes in their physical form. Broader shoulders when swimming or more developed muscle definition in a throwing arm from baseball are examples of this. An athlete can also reflect on the loss of these definitions when the sports end.

Montreal is a place of public transit. With metro stations hundreds of steps deep, and often no elevator, simply by existing in the city one is transformed. Especially if their last place of residence was not so easily walkable.

Body as trace and signifier of place

In this series Les Corpes the artist focuses on the body as trace, and signifier of Montreal. The notable physical changes are bookmarked in silhouetted form, and transformed into sculptural and two dimensional pieces which reflect a particular time and a particular place.

Sculptural pieces respond to the locations from the body that the silhouettes are derived from, taking on materials and installation considerations that push their characteristics.



Weight, 2016

Hydrostone, metal fixtures, enamel paint

Installed from the ceiling to 1” above floor.

2.5’ diameter, 3’ object height

Weight 3.png

Les corpes drawing series, 2017

Alcohol marker, ink, arches paper

24 x 32”

Throat Choke, 2017

Oxygen tubing, Hydrocal, Plastic Tubing

24 x 32 x 32”


Nail-biter, 2017

Hydrocal, Paint, fixtures

32” diameter

Nail Biter (detail).jpg

Material Matters

