Apple Crisp, 2015

Walnut wood, Paint

various sizes. Avg. 3 x 1.5’

I once asked for the recipe..


And when I did I was told it, in a way. More like a list of ingredients, accompanied with hand gestures of “about this much” or phrases like “just enough” the recipe was shorthanded to me in a verbal exchange that left me asking more questions.

But how much is “just enough”, what is “this much” (gestures with pointer finger and thumb)

In the end I asked for it to be written, with the hopes that the text may provide more concrete quantities and steps. The writing made evident that even she did not know exactly how much of each ingredient, and yet she makes it every time and it tasted like hers every time.

It must be slightly different. Every version, based on an idea in ones head, the empty space in ones palm, the amount that the fingers can pinch out the jar. Every final dessert in a craft of exactitudes was its own.

In this series the same components, walnut pieces of wood, are rearranged to create multiple versions of themselves. The pattern in the wood was made by extruding the written recipe of this dessert, Apple Crisp, in the handwriting of its maker on a program that extrudes line to create shape and depth.

This work has been shown several times and in different gallery spaces across Canada, but it is never shown in the same iteration more than once.

Exhibited in the OTMH Art Council in Oakville Hospital Gallery Curated by Jay Wilson and Shannon Anderson for the year of 2017, Mississauga City Council New Years show 2018, Gallery 2112 Montreal 2019, and currently is in the private collection of a legal office in (Toronto)


Les Corpse


Aspire: Wall works