Aspire Wall Works


This series of wall works are made with a special program called Aspire, on a technology primarily used for sign relief making. Instead of values set to determine height and depth of pattern extrusion, the names of two individuals signed in their handwriting are used. A signature, which is a line drawing, can be calculated like any vector line. In the case of these works, the unique signature of a person, which is used legally to represent concent, presence or awareness, is extruded against another creating a unique pattern which is then carved in wood.

These works create patterns that reflect much of the social tendency people have to play certain roles around others. Much like a person will be one version of themselves with a friend, another with a colleague and another with a sibling, each tile is created with a unique partnership of two signatures.

Black J, 2015

Walnut, paint

16 x 4.5 x 6”

In the piece Black J, the artist was commissioned to make a work for a couple who at the time were celebrating 22 years of being together.


Basswood, White House paint, wood fixtures

12’ x 4” x 12”


The piece B(AABCEFGJJJJJKKLLLSSSTT) is made with the artists signature, in tandem with a different friend on each tile. Though the artists signature remained constant, the extrusion with another person created a completely different pattern each time. These tiles are placed together on the wall as a memento to a time, place, a series of relationships, and versions of ones self.

This piece is a part of the Sheridan College Art Collection and is installed in the office of the Dean of Fine Arts.




Irish Rose