Closing Study, 2016

Wood board, Resin, Gloss photo paper, transparency, tape

24 x 30” each

AllItems (1).jpg
2015-05-29 10.37.39 1.jpg

The remnants of a public community pool often go unnoticed, though as a Chief Deck Supervisor it is your responsibility at dawn and dusk to collect all items as the pool opens or closes for the day. The opening check list is thorough, and you wait for all of the lights to turn fully on, a process that takes almost an hour. As you walk the ever familiar route around the blue depths, checking for clarity and that black dot at the bottom of the deepest end (it must be visible) you also collect in a blue gloved hand all the debris that lays on the familiar small square tiles.

Broken pieces of pool dividers, plastic caps, tape, towels, foams and bees, just a few items in a collection that speaks to a very specific place. Though random, they all make perfect sense in the indoor pool. Like small treasures you wonder what colourful array you will find each morning, or evening as you shut down the lights and close the pool.


Irish Rose